Whats Poppin?
Here we go again
Yeah, starting a new site is always a gamble with me. But, needed a place to talk with all my little nibs and kernels out there on the wide web, so this will be the new home.
What will you post?
- Coding Content - Dev logs and thoughts about development.
- Thoughts - Philosophy and general thoughts with my usual wit and sarcasm.
- Comedy - Memes and things I think is funny.
- Art - Drawings, poetry, videos, music, and other fartsy shit.
- Gaming - Love playing games and you should join sometime Popcorn & Pals (discord.com)
- Interactive Experiences - Ways you can connect with me in unique ways.
Wait what a nib and kernel?!?
Thats what we call our community, every little corn starts as a simple nib and eventually, one day, when you stick around enough and become strong enough, you become a kernel. So you should jump into our Discord so you can get your nibs rock hard. Popcorn & Pals (discord.com)
Are you really reading these?
Not much else to say reallyI doubt 90% of people have read this far, no one will have the balls to finish this article and post about their rock hard nibs on my YouTube videos. Welp, thanks for joining the shit show, lets get poppin, 2-4-5 out.
Love everyone, question everything, & regret nothing.
Popcorn245 ^_^